воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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._. Salaapos;s paranoia or fear or whatever is incredibly contagious , made me wonder if the lumps on my wrists are cysts, too.

And my parents have just been plain schizophrenic today. Half the time they were being total cunts, the other half they were trying to be nice, the former trampling the latter in the fact that they would break their own promises in a matter of minutes. The Epitome of this being when I actually decided to go out for a while into the living room with my parents and bro (with the laptop, but still, I was talking with them and such) and my dad *BITCHED* at me royally over the laptop... And called me even *more* lifeless, he got mad to the point where I GOT SENT BACK INTO MY ROOM ._.;

And my dad is taking this laptop for tomorrow, he needs it for classes, if my messenger turns on, it will be from the desktop, probably.

*hides from Mum who will probably be super-bitch tomorrow*

To Quote: "Tomorrow, when dad isnapos;t here to interfere, we are having a fight."

... What the fuck, man? Iapos;m not trying to cause any trouble, THEY ARE. Today proved that they are the aggressors... >< and 2 weeks ago I thought they would be bearable again for a while. They fucked that all up -.-; I am actually *trying* to be more sociable, *they* undermine the effort. I try to get good grades, I get nothing but yelled at for the one class thatapos;s a fluke. I go out to be with the family for once... I get yelled at because I brought the laptop out. -.-;

I need parents that donapos;t bitch at me for every little thing I do, even if its a good thing I am doing. I donapos;t do bad things , Iapos;m trying to be well behaved, I behave MUCH better than all the kids I know. My parents are paranoid, too. ._. And I am remembering when I was really little when I used to be made to behave by them pulling on my hair or grabbing the back of my neck rather harshly, they did it to my cousin too. Iapos;d say a bit of... Physical motivation... Is necessary at times for kids, like if they do something out of malice, Iapos;d not directly hurt them, but make them do something that is at least uncomfortable (make them stand out in the snow holding two soup cans out to their sides for 10 minutes, while watching them, if they were like 9 or 10, believe me, that works, actually XD) but I wouldnapos;t actually hurt them. If they are younger, they would need to be probably picked up and away from the thing they are doing wrong and demonstrated what is right, or something.

But enough with the parenting thing ._. I want to spend a day where I am not having to worry about Homework, Parents, Friends (or lack therof) and such ><.

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I was disappointed by the movie "The Happening". Since it was from M. Night Shyamalan, I was all set to be creeped out and in constant suspense. But that didnapos;t happen at all. What I thought was going to be a supernatural thriller-type movie, turned out to be nothing more than nature letting out a humonguous fart.

Thatapos;s right. The trees farted, people died, the end. BOO

I think they had a good idea here, but it was just done all wrong. I think the only part of the movie I was entertained by was when Mark Wahlbergapos;s character was talking to that plastic tree... But he didnapos;t realize it was a plastic tree at first. I lolapos;d. But yeah... That was about it. I found pretty much all of the characters annoying, especially the wife and the kid. I was actually kind-of hoping theyapos;d bite the big one, but alas... They survived.

So... Yeah. Blah. Blah blibbity blah.

In other news:

Trinks called today and said he may have found a cheapie laptop for me. Thereapos;s actually two of them, but heapos;s awesome, so heapos;s offering to get me one. It has wifi on it, so Iapos;ll prolly go ahead and get it. Itapos;ll keep me entertained until I can afford a brand new one. YAY Anyways, Banzuapos;s coming to Ohio around Thanksgiving, so Iapos;ll be able to pay them back and get the apos;puter then. INTERNET, OM NOMS

And that be all. Iapos;m going to go tool around LJ somemore, and then I might try to do some actual work (I have to dust a bunch of stoopid shelves D:<).

apos;K BAI

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m going to have to give this a try,

Smoked Apples

Start with 6 apples (pears work too). Stabilize the apples by slicing a small amount off the bottom. Partially core the apples with a melon baller, leaving the bottom intact. Scoop out some of the fruit to make room for the filling and set aside.

In another bowl mix together 6 tbs. Brown sugar, 1/2 tsp. Ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp. Ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. Ground cloves, 2 tbs. Softened butter, and 1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract. To this mixture, add the apple pieces you removed earlier.

You can also add ground nuts to the mixture above.
Fill the apples with the mixture and top off with 1/2 to 1 tbs. Of Makerapos;s Mark.

To cook, set up your grill for indirect heat at about 250 to 300 degrees. Place the apples in a shallow aluminum pan in the center of the grill. Add damp wood chips to the coals, cover and cook for one hour.

Serve over ice cream. Be sure to spoon some of the syrup from the pan over the ice cream. Enjoy
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