воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

contract free land purchase

I was disappointed by the movie "The Happening". Since it was from M. Night Shyamalan, I was all set to be creeped out and in constant suspense. But that didnapos;t happen at all. What I thought was going to be a supernatural thriller-type movie, turned out to be nothing more than nature letting out a humonguous fart.

Thatapos;s right. The trees farted, people died, the end. BOO

I think they had a good idea here, but it was just done all wrong. I think the only part of the movie I was entertained by was when Mark Wahlbergapos;s character was talking to that plastic tree... But he didnapos;t realize it was a plastic tree at first. I lolapos;d. But yeah... That was about it. I found pretty much all of the characters annoying, especially the wife and the kid. I was actually kind-of hoping theyapos;d bite the big one, but alas... They survived.

So... Yeah. Blah. Blah blibbity blah.

In other news:

Trinks called today and said he may have found a cheapie laptop for me. Thereapos;s actually two of them, but heapos;s awesome, so heapos;s offering to get me one. It has wifi on it, so Iapos;ll prolly go ahead and get it. Itapos;ll keep me entertained until I can afford a brand new one. YAY Anyways, Banzuapos;s coming to Ohio around Thanksgiving, so Iapos;ll be able to pay them back and get the apos;puter then. INTERNET, OM NOMS

And that be all. Iapos;m going to go tool around LJ somemore, and then I might try to do some actual work (I have to dust a bunch of stoopid shelves D:<).

apos;K BAI

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